Workers’ Compensation
Workers Compensation Lawyers in Charlotte, NC

Under North Carolina law, employers are required to compensate employees who are injured on the job. If you need help pursuing a workers’ compensation claim, or if your employer is refusing to provide the benefits you legally deserve, our firm can help you. At Grandy & Martin, we help injured workers pursue claims for workers’ compensation benefits. We are experienced in navigating the workers’ compensation system. We also assist with filing claims against companies and parties that are responsible for your injury.Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced North Carolina workers’ compensation attorney. You will not pay any legal fees unless we win your case.
What Are You Entitled To, and How Can You Get It?
For purposes of workers’ compensation, it does not matter whether an accident was someone else’s fault, your own fault or nobody’s fault. If you have been injured at work or while performing work errands, you are probably entitled to benefits.
North Carolina’s workers’ compensation system can be confusing to understand. Our attorneys are available to consult with you about all of the following issues:
Workers’ compensation benefits: Injured workers are entitled to benefits for total or partial wage loss, medical treatment, and permanent total or partial disability. Benefits are also available for the families of workers who have been killed on the job.
Workplace injuries: Our attorneys help injured employees pursue workers’ compensation benefits not only for workplace accidents but also for repetitive motion injuries, occupational diseases and back injuries.
Frequent workers’ compensation questions: Before making any decisions about your workers’ compensation claim, it is important to separate myth from fact. We are dedicated to helping clients make informed decisions.
Truck drivers/Subcontractors: North Carolina has special workers’ compensation laws for truckers and subcontractors. You may be entitled to benefits even if you are an owner/operator or independent contractor.
How your workers’ compensation case will progress: Whether you are seeking help with an accepted workers’ compensation claim or a claim that has already been denied, our attorneys will carefully guide you through the process.